dc.creatorBronzi A.C.
dc.creatorFilho M.C.L.
dc.creatorLopes H.J.N.
dc.identifierIndiana University Mathematics Journal. Department Of Mathematics, Indiana University, v. 64, n. 1, p. 309 - 341, 2015.
dc.descriptionWe prove the global existence of a helical weak solution of the 3D Euler equations, in full space, for an initial velocity with helical symmetry, without swirl, and whose initial vorticity is compactly supported in the axial plane and belongs to Lp, for some p>4/3 . This result is an extension of the existence part of the work of B. Ettinger and E. Titi [9], who studied wellposedness of the Euler equations with helical symmetry without swirl, with bounded initial vorticity, in a helical pipe.
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dc.publisherDepartment of Mathematics, Indiana University
dc.relationIndiana University Mathematics Journal
dc.titleGlobal Existence Of A Weak Solution Of The Incompressible Euler Equations With Helical Symmetry And Lp Vorticity
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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