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Posterior Shoulder Tightness And Rotator Cuff Strength Assessments In Painful Shoulders Of Amateur Tennis Players
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Brazilian Journal Of Physical Therapy. , v. 17, n. 2, p. 185 - 193, 2013.
Marcondes F.B.
de Jesus J.F.
Bryk F.F.
de Vasconcelos R.A.
Fukuda T.Y.
Background: Previous studies have shown a relationship between shoulder posterior capsule tightness and shoulder pain in overhead athletes. However, this relationship has not been studied in tennis players. Objectives: Assessment of the shoulder range of motion (ROM), strength and posterior capsule tightness of skilled amateur tennis players who had complaints of dominant shoulder pain in comparison with tennis players without pain. Method: Fortynine skilled amateur tennis players were distributed in 2 groups: Control Group (n=22) and Painful Group (n=27). The first group was composed of asymptomatic subjects, and the second was composed of subjects with shoulder pain on the dominant side. These groups were evaluated to determine the dominant and non-dominant shoulder ROM (internal and external rotation), isometric shoulder strength (internal and external rotation) and posterior shoulder tightness by blind evaluators. Results: The ANOVA results indicated significant differences between the groups in the dominant shoulder ROM, posterior capsule tightness, external rotation strength and strength ratio (p<0.05). The intragroup analysis (dominant versus non-dominant) in the Painful Group displayed a significant difference for ROM, posterior capsule tightness and external rotation strength (p<0.05). Conclusions: The tennis players with pain in the dominant shoulder presented greater posterior capsule tightness, internal rotation deficit (ROM), external rotation gain (ROM) and deficits in external rotation strength than the tennis players without pain. 17 2 185 193 Hjelm, N., Werner, S., Renstrom, P., Injury profile in junior tennis players: A prospective two year study (2010) Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc., 18, pp. 845-850. ,, PMid:20238099 Pluim, B.M., Staal, J.B., Windler, G.E., Jayanthi, N., Tennis injuries: Occurrence, aetiology, and prevention (2006) Br J Sports Med., 40, pp. 415-423. ,, PMid:16632572 PMCid:2577485 Van der Hoeven, H., Kibler, W.B., Shoulder injuries in tennis players (2006) Br J Sports Med., 40, pp. 435-440. ,, PMid:16632575 PMCid:2577490 Papas, A.M., Zawacki, R.M., McCarthy, C.F., Rehabilitation of the pitching shoulder (1985) Am J Sports Med., 13, pp. 223-235. , Thomas, S.J., Swanik, K.A., Swanik, C.B., Kelly IV, J.D., Internal rotation deficits affect scapular positioning in baseball players (2010) Clin Orthop Relat Res., 468, pp. 1551-1557. ,, PMid:19841995 PMCid:2865599 Muraki, T., Yamamoto, N., Zhao, K.D., Sperling, J.W., Steinmann, S.P., Cofield, R.H., Effect of posteroinferior capsule tightness on contact pressure and area beneath the coracoacromial arch during pitching motion (2010) Am J Sports Med., 38, pp. 600-607. ,, PMid:19966101 Burkhart, S.S., Morgan, C.D., Kibler, W.B., The disabled throwing shoulder: Spectrum of pathology part III: The SICK scapula, scapular dyskinesis, the kinetic chain and rehabilitation (2003) Arthroscopy., 19, pp. 404-420. ,, PMid:12671624 Laudner, K.G., Myers, J.B., Pasquale, M.R., Bradley, J.P., Lephart, S.M., Scapular dysfunction in throwers with pathologic internal impingement (2006) J Orthop Sports Phys Ther., 36, pp. 485-494. , PMid:16881465 Myers, J.B., Laudner, K.G., Pasquale, M.R., Bradley, J.P., Lephart, S.M., Scapular position and orientation in throwing athletes (2005) Am J Sports Med., 33, pp. 263-271. ,, PMid:15701613 Myers, J.B., Oyama, S., Wassinger, C.A., Ricci, R.D., Abt, J.P., Conley, K.M., Reliability, precision, accuracy, and validity of posterior shoulder tightness assessment in overhead athletes (2007) Am J Sports Med., 35, pp. 1921-1930. ,, PMid:17609529 Lewis, J.S., Green, A.S., Dekel, S., The aetiology of subacromial impingement syndrome (2001) Physiotherapy., 87, pp. 458-469. , Lewis, J.S., Green, A.S., Yizhat, Z., Pennington, D., Subacromial impingement syndrome: Has the evolution failed us? 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