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Morphology Of Spermatozoa Of Dissomphalus Connubialis (ashmead, 1893) (hymenoptera: Bethylidae)
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Micron. , v. 44, n. 1, p. 268 - 274, 2013.
de Oliveira C.M.
Fraga F.B.
Brito P.
Gomes L.F.
Dolder H.
Lino-Neto J.
In this study, the morphology of spermatozoa of Bethylidae Dissomphalus connubialis (Pristocerinae) was analyzed using light and transmission electron microscopy. Spermatozoa of this species are thin, measure approximately 130 μm in length and comprise a head region and flagellum region. The head is formed by the acrosome and nucleus. The acrosome consists of the acrosome vesicle and the perforatorium, the posterior portion of which is inserted into a cavity at the anterior extremity of the nucleus. The nucleus is compact, electron-dense and measures 15 μm in length. The flagellum possesses two mitochondrial derivatives, two accessory bodies and one axoneme with a 9+9+2 microtubular pattern. The nucleus is connected to the flagellum by the centriole adjunct. Mitochondrial derivatives are compact, apparently without paracrystalline material and with rare mitochondrial cristae. They are asymmetric in length, such that the larger mitochondrial derivative begins parallel to the posterior region of the nucleus and the smaller mitochondrial derivative begins just below the centriole adjunct. The basic structure of spermatozoa of D. connubialis is similar to that of other Aculeata studied. However, this species shows characteristics not seen in other Hymenoptera, such as the wide electron-lucid region that separates the acrosomal vesicle from the perforatorium and the depth of the cavity in the anterior extremity of the nucleus, into which the base of the perforatorium is inserted. 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