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Aspects Of Mechanical Behavior And Modeling Of A Tropical Unsaturated Soil
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Geotechnical And Geological Engineering. , v. 31, n. 5, p. 1569 - 1585, 2013.
Benatti J.C.B.
Rodrigues R.A.
Miguel M.G.
The research studies the applicability of two elastoplastic models for the collapse prediction of the lateritic soil profile from Southeastern Brazil. These tropical soils have peculiar geotechnical behavior, due to their mineralogical composition and porous structure coming from intense process of formation. Two elastoplastic models were analyzed: the Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) and another one based on BBM, however developed for tropical soils. Oedometric tests with suction control were performed at three distinct depths of the soil profile. The BBM was not suitable for the upper layer of the soil profile, because BBM considers the compressible behavior of the soil in function of the reduction of the elastoplastic compressibility index with the increase of the matric suction. The model developed for tropical soils showed better suited to the compressible behavior of the soil profile, resulting in good prediction of the collapse potential, mainly by accepting increasing values of the elastoplastic compressibility index of the soil profile with the matric suction rise. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. 31 5 1569 1585 Alonso, E.E., Gens, A., Hight, D.W., Special problem soils (1987) Proceedings of the 9th European conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering, 3, pp. 1087-1146. , Dublin, 31 August-3 September 1987, A. A. 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