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Special Education Reform In Brazil: An Historical Analysis Of Educational Policies
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European Journal Of Special Needs Education. , v. 13, n. 1, p. 10 - 28, 1998.
Mantoan M.T.E.
Valente J.A.
This paper describes an historical view of the legal and political aspects related to special education. It analyses the current and future perspectives that public and private educational institutions utilize to provide school services to individuals with disabilities in Brazil. Although Brazil has developed laws and provisions to guarantee the integration of students with disabilities into regular schools, this is not happening in most cases. In fact, Brazil does not yet have schools that consider the diversification of students' capabilities as beneficial to the intellectual development of deficient and non-deficient students. Poor teacher training and institutional conservatism constitute the obstacles to the implementation of innovation in this area. Most of the innovations seen today are the fruit of individual initiatives, such as the Project for Training Teachers to Integrate the Disabled into Schools (PROEDEM) and the Project for Using Computers in Special Education, that we describe. We believe that these new proposals will have a great impact on the education of students with deficiencies. This will raise the consciousness of educators and will help to transform the current conceptions and actions related to the education of people with disabilities, making possible the implementation of special education reforms. 13 1 10 28 Barrella, F.M.F., 1Um, 2Dois, 3Três: Buscando significado através do Logo (1991) Liberando a Mente: Computadores Na Educação Especial, pp. 187-206. , VALENTE, J. A. (Ed.) 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