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Emissary Foramens Of The Human Skull: Anatomical Characteristics And Its Relations With Clinical Neurosurgery [forámenes Emisarios Del Cráneo Humano: Características Anatómicas Y Sus Relaciones Con La Neurocirugía Clínica]
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International Journal Of Morphology. , v. 31, n. 1, p. 287 - 292, 2013.
Freire A.R.
Rossi A.C.
de Oliveira V.C.S.
Prado F.B.
Caria P.H.F.
Botacin P.R.
The recognition of emissary foramens is important not only for understanding the regional neurovascular anatomy, but also to distinguish normal from potentially abnormal structures. Thus, the aim of this study was to review the literature on anatomical and clinical aspects of the mastoid, parietal and sphenoid emissary foramens. It was found that the emissary foramen presents importance in clinical practice because it acts as a route of spread of extracranial infection to the intracranial structures and also possible complications in neurosurgery, due to its influence in the performance of techniques such as radiofrequency rhizotomy for treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. 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