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Measurement Of Empathetic Orientation In Medicine Students Of Universidad Del Norte. Barranquilla (colombia) [evaluación De La Orientación Empática En Estudiantes De Medicina De La Universidad Del Norte. Barranquilla (colombia)]
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Salud Uninorte. , v. 29, n. 1, p. 22 - 33, 2013.
Palacio L.M.A.
Caro S.E.
Coronado A.M.E.
Narvaez V.P.D.
Objective: To determine the level of empathic orientation of medical students at the University of the North (Barranquilla, Colombia). Materials and Methods: This study is a descriptive transversal research. The population consisted of 859 students, and 345 students of the Medicine School of North University who belonged to 1° (n= 128), 2° (n= 102), 3° (n=38), 4° (n=41) and 5° (n= 36) levels participated in the study. The Spanish version of the Scale of Physician Empathy Jefferson (JSPE) for medical students (S version) was applied. This scale approved in Mexico and Chile and culturally adapted in Colombia by the method of validation criteria for judges, was calculated: mean, standard deviation and two-factor analysis of variance applied to assess mean difference and interaction between these variables. Results: There was empathic orientation values located above the central value of the scale range of between 20 and 140. There were no significant differences by gender or year in the ratings. Conclusions: Empathic orientation averages showed almost constant trend fluctuations insignificant. 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