dc.creatorNovello D.
dc.creatorPollonio M.A.R.
dc.identifierCiencia Rural. , v. 43, n. 9, p. 1707 - 1714, 2013.
dc.descriptionFlaxseed application in meat and meat products by adding not flesh ingredients has not yet been properly assessed. This technology strategy, if well optimized, could substantially improve the nutritional value of meat products and promote healthy appeals consistent. Knowing that, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of adding golden flaxseed oil, or flour, or seed in the physico-chemical properties and fatty acid profile of beef patties. Beef patties were prepared with 5.0% of oil (FO), or flour (FF), or seed (FS), plus a control formulation (FC). For raw products containing flaxseed, the moisture content (74.22 to 68.61%) was decreased and the ash (1.61 to 2.00g 100g-1), protein (15.62 to 16.46g 100g-1), fat (6.20 to 9.74g 100g-1), carbohydrate (2.02 to 3.97 g 100g-1), and calorie (127.71 to 161.62kcal 100g-1) contents were increased. The raw and grilled samples containing golden flaxseed had increased beneficial omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids (0.85 a 2.98g 100g-1), a decreased n-6/n-3 ratio (<1), and an increased polyunsaturated/saturated ratio (>0.50), thus improving the nutritional profile.
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dc.relationCiencia Rural
dc.titleGolden Flaxseed And Its Byproducts In Beef Patties: Physico-chemical Evaluation And Fatty Acid Profile [linhaça Dourada E Subprodutos Em Hambúrgueres: Avaliação Físico-química E Perfil De ácidos Graxos]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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