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Darwinian Thematic In Freud: An Examination On The References To Darwin In The Freudian Work [a Temática Darwiniana Em Freud: Um Exame Das Referências A Darwin Na Obra Freudiana]
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Psicologia Clinica. , v. 25, n. 2, p. 109 - 130, 2013.
Ferretti M.G.
Loffredo A.M.
This article aims to examine the references to Charles Darwin (1809-1882) in the Freudian work seeking to evaluate which use Freud made of Darwin's theory and which concepts he referred to while citing Darwin's name. Thus, we deal with the theme of Darwin's influence on Freud by means of a more evident way that, however, was poorly explored. This approach reveals itself to be fruitful, in that it provides strong indications that the founder of psychoanalysis sought in Darwin not only conceptual tools in respect of the human psychic dynamics as well as a model for theorizing. 25 2 109 130 Assoun, P.L., (1983) Introdução À Epistemologia Freudiana, , Rio de Janeiro: Imago Assoun, P.L., Freudisme et darwinisme (1996) Dictionnaire Du Darwinisme Et De L'evolution, pp. 1741-1763. , In P. 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