Artículos de revistas
Clinical Trials In Brazilian Journals Of Ophthalmology: Where We Are
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Arquivos Brasileiros De Oftalmologia. , v. 76, n. 1, p. 21 - 25, 2013.
Lira R.P.C.
Leal F.S.
Goncalves F.A.
Amorim F.H.R.
Felix J.P.F.
Arieta C.E.L.
Purpose: To compare clinical trials published in Brazilian journals of ophthalmology and in foreign journals of ophthalmology with respect to the number of citationsand the quality of reporting [by applying the Consolidated Standards for ReportingTrials (CONSORT) statement writing standards]. Methods: The sample of this systematic review comprised the two Brazilianjournals of ophthalmology indexed at Science Citation Index Expanded and sixof the foreign journals of ophthalmology with highest Impact Factor® accordingISI. All clinical trials (CTs) published from January 2009 to December 2010 at theBrazilians journals and a 1:1 randomized sample of the foreign journals wereincluded. The primary outcome was the number of citations through the end of2011. Subgroup analysis included language. The secondary outcome includedlikelihood of citation (cited at least once versus no citation), and presence orabsence of CONSORT statement indicators. Results: The citation counts were statistically significantly higher (P < 0.001) in theForeign Group (10.50) compared with the Brazilian Group (0.45). The likelihoodcitationwas statistically significantly higher (P < 0.001) in the Foreign Group (20/20-100%) compared with the Brazilian Group (8/20-40%). The subgroup analysis ofthe language influence in Brazilian articles showed that the citation counts werestatistically significantly higher in the papers published in English (P <0.04). Of 37possible CONSORT items, the mean for the Foreign Group was 20.55 and for theBrazilian Group was 13.65 (P < 0.003).Conclusion: The number of citations and the quality of reporting of clinical trialsin Brazilian journals of ophthalmology still are low when compared with the foreignjournals of ophthalmology with highest Impact Factor®. 76 1 21 25 Chamon, W., Melo Jr, L.A., Impact factor and insertion of the ABO in the world scientific literature (2011) Arq Bras Oftalmol Internet, 74 (4), pp. 243-244. ,, [cited 2012 May 21] Juãdie;ni, P., Altman, D.G., Egger, M., Systematic reviews in health care: assessing the quality of controlled clinical trials. 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