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Nial(110) Surface As A Template For Growing Transition Metal Linear Atomic Chains: A Dft Investigation
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Journal Of Physical Chemistry C. American Chemical Society, v. 119, n. 5, p. 2456 - 2461, 2015.
San-Miguel M.A.
Amorim E.P.M.
Da Silva E.Z.
First-principles calculations based on periodic density functional theory (DFT) have been used to investigate structural, energetic, and electronic properties of different transition metal atoms (Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, and Au) on the NiAl(110) surface for coverages ranging from 0.25 monolayer up to completing full coverage, with special emphasis on the different possible depositions to form linear atomic chains (LAC). The analysis of the energetic contributions and electronic structure reveals that metal atoms are greatly favored to be aligned along the [001] direction to form LACs. The calculated negative work function changes are interpreted taking into account both the electronegativity and the polarizability of the deposited metal adatoms. This work function change decreases particularly for LACs along the [001] direction and, intriguingly, vanishes for Pt, suggesting an electronic behavior similar to the corresponding free-standing LAC. 119 5 2456 2461 Hutchings, G.J., Haruta, M., A Golden Age of Catalysis: A Perspective (2005) Appl. Catal. A: Gen., 291, pp. 2-5 Nascimento, A.P.F., San-Miguel, M.A., Da Silva, E.Z., Unveiling the Origin of Oxygen Atomic Impurities in Au Nanowires (2014) Phys. Rev. B, 89 (8), p. 085417 Yanson, A.I., Rubio-Bollinger, G., Van Den Brom, H.E., Agraït, N., Van Ruitenbeek, J.M., Formation and Manipulation of a Metallic Wire of Single Gold Atoms (1998) Nature (London), 395, pp. 783-785 Ohnishi, H., Kondo, Y., Takayanagi, K., Quantized Conductance Through Individual Rows of Suspended Gold Atoms (1998) Nature (London), 395, pp. 780-783 Rubio-Bollinger, G., Bahn, S., Agraït, N., Jacobsen, K., Vieira, S., Mechanical Properties and Formation Mechanisms of a Wire of Single Gold Atoms (2001) Phys. 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