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Convenções Financeiras E A Taxa Básica De Juros No Brasil: Uma Primeira Aproximação
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Revista De Economia Politica. , v. 33, n. 4, p. 599 - 618, 2013.
Seabra L.
Dequech D.
Financial conventions and basic interest rate in Brazil. This article discusses the thesis that the Brazilian interest rate is a convention, focusing on the basic interest rate under the inflation targeting regime. On the one hand, there are some complications involved in this debate. In order to show this, we consider the theoretical works that have been references for the Brazilian economists who see an interest rate convention in the country. On the other hand, despite the difficulties, it is possible to find signs of conventionality in the determination of the Brazilian basic rate, by analyzing two properties of conventions: conformity of some with the conformity of others; and arbitrariness. 33 4 599 618 (2008),, ABC LOCAL RADIO . Inflation targeting a 'fad': economist. Austrália, 21 de maio. 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