dc.creatorDiaz S.
dc.creatorDemissew S.
dc.creatorCarabias J.
dc.creatorJoly C.
dc.creatorLonsdale M.
dc.creatorAsh N.
dc.creatorLarigauderie A.
dc.creatorAdhikari J.R.
dc.creatorArico S.
dc.creatorBaldi A.
dc.creatorBartuska A.
dc.creatorBaste I.A.
dc.creatorBilgin A.
dc.creatorBrondizio E.
dc.creatorChan K.M.A.
dc.creatorFigueroa V.E.
dc.creatorDuraiappah A.
dc.creatorFischer M.
dc.creatorHill R.
dc.creatorKoetz T.
dc.creatorLeadley P.
dc.creatorLyver P.
dc.creatorMace G.M.
dc.creatorMartin-Lopez B.
dc.creatorOkumura M.
dc.creatorPacheco D.
dc.creatorPascual U.
dc.creatorPerez E.S.
dc.creatorReyers B.
dc.creatorRoth E.
dc.creatorSaito O.
dc.creatorScholes R.J.
dc.creatorSharma N.
dc.creatorTallis H.
dc.creatorThaman R.
dc.creatorWatson R.
dc.creatorYahara T.
dc.creatorHamid Z.A.
dc.creatorAkosim C.
dc.creatorAl-Hafedh Y.
dc.creatorAllahverdiyev R.
dc.creatorAmankwah E.
dc.creatorAsah T.S.
dc.creatorAsfaw Z.
dc.creatorBartus G.
dc.creatorBrooks A.L.
dc.creatorCaillaux J.
dc.creatorDalle G.
dc.creatorDarnaedi D.
dc.creatorDriver A.
dc.creatorErpul G.
dc.creatorEscobar-Eyzaguirre P.
dc.creatorFailler P.
dc.creatorFouda A.M.M.
dc.creatorFu B.
dc.creatorGundimeda H.
dc.creatorHashimoto S.
dc.creatorHomer F.
dc.creatorLavorel S.
dc.creatorLichtenstein G.
dc.creatorMala W.A.
dc.creatorMandivenyi W.
dc.creatorMatczak P.
dc.creatorMbizvo C.
dc.creatorMehrdadi M.
dc.creatorMetzger J.P.
dc.creatorMikissa J.B.
dc.creatorMoller H.
dc.creatorMooney H.A.
dc.creatorMumby P.
dc.creatorNagendra H.
dc.creatorNesshover C.
dc.creatorOteng-Yeboah A.A.
dc.creatorPataki G.
dc.creatorRoue M.
dc.creatorRubis J.
dc.creatorSchultz M.
dc.creatorSmith P.
dc.creatorSumaila R.
dc.creatorTakeuchi K.
dc.creatorThomas S.
dc.creatorVerma M.
dc.creatorYeo-Chang Y.
dc.creatorZlatanova D.
dc.identifierCurrent Opinion In Environmental Sustainability. Elsevier, v. 14, n. , p. 1 - 16, 2015.
dc.descriptionThe first public product of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is its Conceptual Framework. This conceptual and analytical tool, presented here in detail, will underpin all IPBES functions and provide structure and comparability to the syntheses that IPBES will produce at different spatial scales, on different themes, and in different regions. Salient innovative aspects of the IPBES Conceptual Framework are its transparent and participatory construction process and its explicit consideration of diverse scientific disciplines, stakeholders, and knowledge systems, including indigenous and local knowledge. Because the focus on co-construction of integrative knowledge is shared by an increasing number of initiatives worldwide, this framework should be useful beyond IPBES, for the wider research and knowledge-policy communities working on the links between nature and people, such as natural, social and engineering scientists, policy-makers at different levels, and decision-makers in different sectors of society.
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dc.relationCurrent Opinion in Environmental Sustainability
dc.titleThe Ipbes Conceptual Framework - Connecting Nature And People
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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