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Hepatic Trauma: A 21-year Experience [trauma Hepático: Uma Experiência De 21 Anos]
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Revista Do Colegio Brasileiro De Cirurgioes. , v. 40, n. 4, p. 318 - 322, 2013.
Zago T.M.
Pereira B.M.
Nascimento B.
Alves M.S.C.
Calderan T.R.A.
Fraga G.P.
Objective: To evaluate the epidemiological aspects, behavior, morbidity and treatment outcomes for liver trauma. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of patients over 13 years of age admitted to a university hospital from 1990 to 2010, submitted to surgery or nonoperative management (NOM). Results: 748 patients were admitted with liver trauma. The most common mechanism of injury was penetrating trauma (461 cases, 61.6%), blunt trauma occurring in 287 patients (38.4%). According to the degree of liver injury (AAST-OIS) in blunt trauma we predominantly observed Grades I and II and in penetrating trauma, Grade III. NOM was performed in 25.7% of patients with blunt injury. As for surgical procedures, suturing was performed more frequently (41.2%). The liver-related morbidity was 16.7%. The survival rate for patients with liver trauma was 73.5% for blunt and 84.2% for penetrating trauma. Mortality in complex trauma was 45.9%. Conclusion: trauma remains more common in younger populations and in males. There was a reduction of penetrating liver trauma. NOM proved safe and effective, and often has been used to treat patients with penetrating liver trauma. 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