dc.creatorSilva D.F.
dc.creatorCarmona C.V.
dc.creatorCalderan T.R.A.
dc.creatorFraga G.P.
dc.creatorNascimento B.
dc.creatorRizoli S.
dc.identifierRevista Do Colegio Brasileiro De Cirurgioes. , v. 40, n. 5, p. 423 - 426, 2013.
dc.descriptionThe "Evidence-based Telemedicine - Trauma & Acute Care Surgery" (EBT-TACS) Journal Club conducted a critical review of the literature and selected three recent studies on the use of corticosteroids for the prophylaxis of fat embolism syndrome (FES). The review focused on the potential role of corticosteroids administration to patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at risk of developing post-traumatic fat embolism. The first study was prospective and aimed at identifying reliable predictors, which could be detected early and were associated with the onset of fat embolism syndrome in trauma patients. The second manuscript was a literature review on the role of corticosteroids as a prophylactic measure for FES. The last manuscript was a meta-analysis on the potential for corticosteroids to prophylactically reduce the risk of fat embolism syndrome in patients with long bone fractures. The main conclusions and recommendations reached were that traumatized patients should be monitored with non-invasive pulse oximetry and lactate levels since these commonly-available tests may predict the development of FES, and the lack of evidence to recommend the use of steroids for the prophylaxis of this syndrome.
dc.descriptionGopinathan, N.R., Sen, R.K., Viswanathan, V.K., Aggarwal, A., Mallikarjun, H.C., Rajaram Manoharan, S.R., Early, reliable, utilitarian predictive factors for fat embolism syndrome in polytrauma patients (2013) Indian J Crit Care Med., 17 (1), pp. 38-42
dc.descriptionSen, R.K., Tripathy, S.K., Krishnan, V., Role of corticosteroid as a prophylactic measure in fat embolism syndrome: A literature review (2012) Musculoskelet Surg., 96 (1), pp. 1-8
dc.descriptionBederman, S.S., Bhandari, M., McKee, M.D., Schemitsch, E.H., Do corticosteroids reduce the risk of fat embolism syndrome in patients with long-bone fractures? A meta-analysis (2009) Can J Surg., 52 (5), pp. 386-393
dc.descriptionMoore, F.A., Haenel, J.B., Moore, E.E., Whitehill, T.A., Incommensurate oxygen consumption in response to maximal oxygen availability predicts postinjury multiple oxygen failure (1992) J Trauma., 33 (1), pp. 58-65. , discussion 65-7
dc.descriptionKim, P.K., Deutschman, C.S., Inflammatory responses and mediators (2000) Surg Clin North Am., 80 (3), pp. 885-894
dc.descriptionKallenbach, J., Lewis, M., Zaltzman, M., Feldman, C., Orford, A., Zwi, S., 'Low-dose' corticosteroid prophylaxis against fat embolism (1987) J Trauma., 27 (10), pp. 1173-1176
dc.descriptionLindeque, B.G., Schoeman, H.S., Dommisse, G.F., Boeyens, M.C., Vlok, A.L., Fat embolism and the fat embolism syndrome. A double-blind therapeutic study (1987) J Bone Joint Surg Br., 69 (1), pp. 128-131
dc.descriptionSchonfeld, S.A., Ploysongsang, Y., DiLisio, R., Crissman, J.D., Miller, E., Hammerschmidt, D.E., Fat embolism prophylaxis with corticosteroids. A prospective study in high-risk patients (1983) Ann Intern Med., 99 (4), pp. 438-443
dc.relationRevista do Colegio Brasileiro de Cirurgioes
dc.titleThe Use Of Corticosteroid For The Prophylaxis Of Fat Embolism Syndrome In Patients With Long Bone Fracture [uso De Corticoide Na Profilaxia Para Síndrome De Embolia Gordurosa Em Pacientes Com Fratura De Osso Longo]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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