Artículos de revistas
Acute Intestinal Obstruction Due To Gallstone Ileus [abdome Agudo Por Obstrução Por Ileobiliar]
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Revista Do Colegio Brasileiro De Cirurgioes. , v. 40, n. 4, p. 275 - 280, 2013.
de Alencastro M.C.
Cardoso K.T.
Mendes C.A.
Boteon Y.L.
de Carvalho R.B.
Fraga G.P.
Objective: Small bowel obstruction (SBO) due to gallstones (gallstone ileus) is an uncommon complication of cholelithiasis, for which there is no defined surgical procedure. The objective of this study was to perform a systematic review of the history, available image exams and clinical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of gallstone ileus. Method: We conducted a retrospective study in a university hospital including all cases of SBO treated over a period of 23 years. According to the surgical treatment, the patients were divided into two groups: (1) enterolithotomy with posterior cholecystectomy (two-stage surgery); and (2) enterolithotomy, cholecystectomy and fistula closure (one-stage surgery). Results: Twelve patients were included in the study, including 11 females (91,6%), with a mean age of 72.2 years. All patients presented associated diseases, mainly arterial hypertension (75%). All except one patient had multiple SBO symptoms. Gallstone ileus diagnosis was made before laparotomy in six patients (50%). There were eight patients in group 1 and four in group 2, and the morbidity was, respectively, 33.3% and 8.3%. Overall mortality was 16.6% (one patient in each group). Conclusion: Gallstone ileus should be suspected in the elderly with SBO symptoms. Early diagnosis can reduce post-operative complications. Treatment is urgent laparotomy and the surgical approach must be individualized for each case. 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