dc.creatorPilar Alcantara M.V.
dc.creatorPereira Da Silva L.C.
dc.creatorGeraldi D.
dc.identifier2013 Ieee Pes Conference On Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, Isgt La 2013. Ieee Computer Society, v. , n. , p. - , 2013.
dc.descriptionThis paper presents the possibilities of a Smart Grid to broaden the results that may be obtained in the area of Energy Efficiency in the Electricity Sector. It is evident that the Brazilian National Plan for Energy Efficiency does not consider the use of Energy Management Systems as a possibility to control consumption. It also demonstrates the need to have a tool capable of simulating the various technologies and applications of Smart Grid to make it possible to predict the results of these Energy Management Systems in the consumer loads. As well as it is shown the need for legislative and regulatory changes to create a favorable environment for implementation of Smart Grid technologies. Some simulation results are presented. © 2013 IEEE.
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dc.publisherIEEE Computer Society
dc.relation2013 IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT LA 2013
dc.titleEnergy Efficiency In Smart Grids
dc.typeActas de congresos

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