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Multicenter Evaluation Of Efficacy And Toleration Of Aceclofenac In Knee Osteoarthritis: Study Of 97 Patients [avaliacao Multicentrica Da Eficacia E Tolerabilidade Do Aceclofenaco Em Osteoartrite Do Joelho: Estudo De 97 Pacientes]
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Revista Brasileira De Medicina. , v. 54, n. 3, p. 150 - 157, 1997.
Neto J.F.M.
Donadio P.R.
Loures M.A.A.D.R.
Issa M.M.M.
Ribeiro A.C.M.
Carvalho M.A.P.
Baaklini C.E.
Schincariol N.B.
Treatment of osteoarthritis is usually symptomatic; however growing interest is being raised on NSAIDs action over articular cartilage. Aceclofenac has been shown in vitro to play a favorable role over articular cartilage, increasing GAG synthesis. Preclinical and clinical studies have shown aceclofenac to be better tolerated than others in the same therapeutic class. Considering this, it was decided to conduct a multicenter study of aceclofenac in management of knee osteoarthritis. Five centers participated evaluating a total of 97 patients. Most of the patients showed clear clinical improvement, demonstrating a good potency profile. 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