dc.creatorSao-Joao T.M.
dc.creatorRodrigues R.C.M.
dc.creatorGallani M.C.B.J.
dc.creatorMiura C.T.P.
dc.creatorDomingues G.B.L.
dc.creatorGodin G.
dc.identifierRevista De Saude Publica. , v. 47, n. 3, p. 479 - 487, 2013.
dc.descriptionOBJECTIVE: To conduct the cultural adaptation of the Brazilian version of the Godin-Shephard Leisure-Time Physical Activity Questionnaire (GSLTPAQ) and to assess its content validity, practicability, acceptability and reliability. METHODS: The stages of translation, synthesis, back translation, expert committee review and pre-test were carried out, followed by the evaluation of the practicability, acceptability and reliability (test-retest). The judges assessed its semantic, idiomatic, conceptual, cultural and metabolic equivalences. The adapted version was submitted to the pre-test (n = 20), and test-retest (n = 80), in healthy individuals and in those suffering from cardiovascular disease in Limeira, SP, Southeastern Brazil, between 2010 and 2011. The proportion of agreement of the committee of judges was assessed using the Content Validity Index. Reliability was assessed by the criterion of stability, with 15 days between applications. Practicability was evaluated by the time spent interviewing and acceptability was estimated as the percentage of unanswered items and the proportion of patients who responded to all items. RESULTS: The translated version of the questionnaire showed evidence of appropriate semantic-idiomatic, conceptual, cultural and metabolic equivalence, with substitutions of several physical activities more appropriate to the Brazilian population. The practicability analysis showed short time needed for the application of the instrument (mean 3.0 minutes). As for acceptability, all patients answered 100% of the items. The test-retest analysis suggested that stability was good (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient value of 0.84). CONCLUSIONS: The Brazilian version of the questionnaire showed satisfactory measures of the qualities in question. Its application to diverse populations in future studies is recommended in order to provide robust measures of these qualities.
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dc.relationRevista de Saude Publica
dc.titleCultural Adaptation Of The Brazilian Version Of The Godin-shephard Leisure-time Physical Activity Questionnaire
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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