dc.creatorParisi J.J.D.
dc.creatorBiagi J.D.
dc.creatorBarbedo C.J.
dc.creatorMedina P.F.
dc.identifierJournal Of Seed Science. , v. 35, n. 1, p. 70 - 76, 2013.
dc.descriptionThe main strategies for conserving Inga vera seeds during storage consist of their partial dehydration and low temperatures. However, such storage conditions can lead to further deterioration of the seed, either from its own metabolism or the development of microorganisms favored by moisture. In this study, the relationship between fungi and the conservation of I. vera embryos with different levels of hydration and maturity was studied, together with the efficiency of treating with carboxin + thiram (300 mL/100 kg of embryos) for fungus control. Embryos were collected at two stages (immature and mature) and subjected to two drying levels. A sample of embryos from each stage and drying level was treated with carboxin + thiram. Embryos were then stored at 7 or 25 °C for up to 65 days. It was found that undried, mature embryos have a higher physiological quality than the immature ones after storage at 7 °C for 65 days. The carboxin + thiram treatment is phytotoxic for dried embryos. "Field" fungi develop according to the degree of embryo deterioration, differing from the classic pattern defined for orthodox seeds.
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dc.relationJournal of Seed Science
dc.titleViability Of Inga Vera Willd. Subsp. Affnis (dc.) T. D. Penn. Embryos According To The Maturation Stage, Fungal Incidence, Chemical Treatment And Storage [viabilidade De Embriões De Inga Vera Willd. Subsp. Affnis (dc.) T. D. Penn. Em Função Do Estádio De Maturação, Da Incidência De Fungos, Do Tratamento Químico E Do Armazenamento]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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