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Genome-wide Analysis Of Lysine Catabolism In Bacteria Reveals New Connections With Osmotic Stress Resistance
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Isme Journal. , v. 7, n. 12, p. 2400 - 2410, 2013.
Neshich I.A.
Kiyota E.
Arruda P.
Lysine is catabolized via the saccharopine pathway in plants and mammals. In this pathway, lysine is converted to -aminoadipic-δ-semialdehyde (AASA) by lysine-ketoglutarate reductase/saccharopine dehydrogenase (LKR/SDH); thereafter, AASA is converted to aminoadipic acid (AAA) by -aminoadipic-δ- semialdehyde dehydrogenase (AASADH). Here, we investigate the occurrence, genomic organization and functional role of lysine catabolic pathways among prokaryotes. Surprisingly, only 27 species of the 1478 analyzed contain the lkr and sdh genes, whereas 323 species contain aasadh orthologs. A sdh-related gene, identified in 159 organisms, was frequently found contiguously to an aasadh gene. this gene, annotated as lysine dehydrogenase (lysdh), encodes LYSDH an enzyme that directly converts lysine to AASA. Pipecolate oxidase (PIPOX) and lysine-6-aminotransferase (LAT), that converts lysine to AASA, were also found associated with aasadh. Interestingly, many lysdh-aasadh-containing organisms live under hyperosmotic stress. To test the role of the lysine-to-AASA pathways in the bacterial stress response, we subjected Silicibacter pomeroyi to salt stress. All but lkr, sdh, lysdh and aasadh were upregulated under salt stress conditions. In addition, lysine-supplemented culture medium increased the growth rate of S. pomeroyi under high-salt conditions and induced high-level expression of the lysdh-aasadh operon. Finally, transformation of Escherichia coli with the S. pomeroyi lysdh-aasadh operon resulted in increased salt tolerance. the transformed E. coli accumulated high levels of the compatible solute pipecolate, which may account for the salt resistance. these findings suggest that the lysine-to-AASA pathways identified in this work may have a broad evolutionary importance in osmotic stress resistance. © 2013 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved. 7 12 2400 2410 Alexander, D.C., Anders, C.L., Lee, L., Jensen, S.E., Pcd mutants of Streptomyces clavuligerus still produce cephamycin C (2007) Journal of Bacteriology, 189 (16), pp. 5867-5874. , DOI 10.1128/JB.00712-07 Allocati, N., Federici, L., Masulli, M., Di Ilio, C., Glutathione transferases in bacteria (2009) FEBS J, 276, pp. 58-75 Altschul, S.F., Madden, T.L., Schaffer, A.A., Zhang, J., Zhang, Z., Miller, W., Lipman, D.J., Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: A new generation of protein database search programs (1997) Nucleic Acids Research, 25 (17), pp. 3389-3402. , DOI 10.1093/nar/25.17.3389 Anton, J., Oren, A., Benlloch, S., Rodriguez-Valera, F., Amann, R., Rossello-Mora, R., Salinibacter ruber Gen. 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