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Birds From Carlos Botelho Park State Of São Paulo Southeastern Brazil [aves Do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho - Sp]
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Biota Neotropica. , v. 13, n. 2, p. 124 - 140, 2013.
Antunes A.Z.
da Silva B.G.
Matsukuma C.K.
de Eston M.R.
dos Santos A.M.R.
The biodiversity inventory in protected areas from Atlantic Forest can increase knowledge about species distribution and contribute to monitoring and management actions that enhance the ecosystems conservation. Our objectives were to characterize bird assemblages at Carlos Botelho State Park, São Paulo southeastern Brazil, regarding species composition, relative abundance and association with local vegetation types. Sampling was conducted between April 2006 and December 2009 by transects, resulting in 1,000 hours of sampling effort. We recorded 331 species, most showed relative abundance lower than 100 detections. Twenty-five species are threatened in the state of São Paulo. 13 2 124 140 Aleixo, A., Conservação da avifauna da Floresta Atlântica: Efeitos da fragmentação e a importância de florestas secundárias (2001) Ornitologia E Conservação: Da Ciência Às Estratégias, pp. 199-206. , J.L.B. Albuquerque, J.F. Cândido Junior, F.C. Straube & A.L. Roos, ed.). 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