dc.creatorCoelho D.F.
dc.creatorSilveira E.
dc.creatorPessoa Junior A.
dc.creatorTambourgi E.B.
dc.identifierBioprocess And Biosystems Engineering. , v. 36, n. 2, p. 185 - 192, 2013.
dc.descriptionThis paper focuses on the feasibility of unconventional aqueous two-phase systems for bromelain purification from pineapple processing waste. The main difference in comparison with conventional systems is the integration of the liquid-liquid extraction technique with fractional precipitation, which can decrease the protein content with no loss of biological activity by removing of unwanted molecules. The analysis of the results was based on the response surface methodology and revealed that the use of the desirability optimisation methodology (DOM) was necessary to achieve higher purification factor values and greater bromelain recovery. The use of DOM yielded an 11.80-fold purification factor and 66.38 % biological activity recovery using poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) with a molar mass of 4,000, 10.86 % PEG concentration (m/m) and 36.21 % saturation of ammonium sulphate. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
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dc.relationBioprocess and Biosystems Engineering
dc.titleBromelain Purification Through Unconventional Aqueous Two-phase System (peg/ammonium Sulphate)
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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