dc.creatorSa Earp H.N.
dc.identifierGeometry And Topology. Mathematical Sciences Publishers, v. 19, n. 1, p. 61 - 111, 2015.
dc.descriptionA concrete model for a 7–dimensional gauge theory under special holonomy is proposed, within the paradigm of Donaldson and Thomas, over the asymptotically cylindrical G2 –manifolds provided by Kovalev’s solution to a noncompact version of the Calabi conjecture. One obtains a solution to the G2 –instanton equation from the associated Hermitian Yang–Mills problem, to which the methods of Simpson et al are applied, subject to a crucial asymptotic stability assumption over the “boundary at infinity”.
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dc.publisherMathematical Sciences Publishers
dc.relationGeometry and Topology
dc.titleG2–instantons Over Asymptotically Cylindrical Manifolds
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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