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Flora Of Ceará State, Brazil: Capparaceae [flora Do Ceará, Brasil: Capparaceae]
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Rodriguesia. Instituto De Pesquisas Jardim Botanico Do Rio De Janeiro, v. 65, n. 3, p. 671 - 684, 2014.
Neto R.L.S.
Magalhaes F.A.L.
Tabosa F.R.S.
Moro M.F.
Costa e Silva M.B.
Loiola M.I.B.
Capparaceae comprises 25 genera and approximately 500 species, having worldwide distribution, but occurring especially in tropical and subtropical regions and being well represented in seasonally dry tropical forests. In Brazil, there are 12 genera and 28 species, twelve of which are endemic. Species of Capparaceae are woody plants with simple leaves or 3-foliolate (Crateva); flowers having an exsert gynophore and succulent fruits. This study aims to describe the species of Capparaceae occurring in Ceará and map their distribution within the state, thus contributing to the understanding of the local flora. This study was based on the analysis of specimens obtained during field work, material available from the herbaria EAC, HUEFS, HVASF, IPA and UFRN, and examination of bibliography and types. Five species were recorded: Capparidastrum frondosum, Crateva tapia, Cynophalla flexuosa, Cynophalla hastata and Neocalyptrocalyx longifolium. 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