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dc.creatorBrandin A.V.
dc.creatorBrovko S.G.
dc.creatorBultmann S.
dc.creatorBunzarov I.
dc.creatorBurton T.P.
dc.creatorButterworth J.
dc.creatorCaines H.
dc.creatorCalderon de la Barca Sanchez M.
dc.creatorCebra D.
dc.creatorCendejas R.
dc.creatorCervantes M.C.
dc.creatorChaloupka P.
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dc.creatorHeppelmann S.
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dc.creatorHirsch A.
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dc.creatorHofman D.J.
dc.creatorHorvat S.
dc.creatorHuang B.
dc.creatorHuang H.Z.
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dc.creatorHumanic T.J.
dc.creatorIgo G.
dc.creatorJacobs W.W.
dc.creatorJang H.
dc.creatorJudd E.G.
dc.creatorKabana S.
dc.creatorKalinkin D.
dc.creatorKang K.
dc.creatorKauder K.
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dc.creatorKeane D.
dc.creatorKechechyan A.
dc.creatorKesich A.
dc.creatorKhan Z.H.
dc.creatorKikola D.P.
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dc.creatorKisiel A.
dc.creatorKoetke D.D.
dc.creatorKollegger T.
dc.creatorKonzer J.
dc.creatorKoralt I.
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dc.creatorKotchenda L.
dc.creatorKravtsov P.
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dc.creatorMunhoz M.G.
dc.creatorMustafa M.K.
dc.creatorNandi B.K.
dc.creatorNasim M.
dc.creatorNayak T.K.
dc.creatorNelson J.M.
dc.creatorNogach L.V.
dc.creatorNoh S.Y.
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dc.creatorNurushev S.B.
dc.creatorOdyniec G.
dc.creatorOgawa A.
dc.creatorOh K.
dc.creatorOhlson A.
dc.creatorOkorokov V.
dc.creatorOldag E.W.
dc.creatorOliveira R.A.N.
dc.creatorPachr M.
dc.creatorPage B.S.
dc.creatorPal S.K.
dc.creatorPan Y.X.
dc.creatorPandit Y.
dc.creatorPanebratsev Y.
dc.creatorPawlak T.
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dc.creatorPerkins C.
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dc.creatorPeterson A.
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dc.creatorRogachevskiy O.V.
dc.creatorRomero J.L.
dc.creatorRoss J.F.
dc.creatorRoy A.
dc.creatorRuan L.
dc.creatorRusnak J.
dc.creatorSahoo N.R.
dc.creatorSahu P.K.
dc.creatorSakrejda I.
dc.creatorSalur S.
dc.creatorSandacz A.
dc.creatorSandweiss J.
dc.creatorSangaline E.
dc.creatorSarkar A.
dc.creatorSchambach J.
dc.creatorScharenberg R.P.
dc.creatorSchmah A.M.
dc.creatorSchmidke W.B.
dc.creatorSchmitz N.
dc.creatorSeger J.
dc.creatorSeyboth P.
dc.creatorShah N.
dc.creatorShahaliev E.
dc.creatorShanmuganathan P.V.
dc.creatorShao M.
dc.creatorSharma B.
dc.creatorShen W.Q.
dc.creatorShi S.S.
dc.creatorShou Q.Y.
dc.creatorSichtermann E.P.
dc.creatorSingaraju R.N.
dc.creatorSkoby M.J.
dc.creatorSmirnov D.
dc.creatorSmirnov N.
dc.creatorSolanki D.
dc.creatorSorensen P.
dc.creatordeSouza U.G.
dc.creatorSpinka H.M.
dc.creatorSrivastava B.
dc.creatorStanislaus T.D.S.
dc.creatorStevens J.R.
dc.creatorStock R.
dc.creatorStrikhanov M.
dc.creatorStringfellow B.
dc.creatorSuaide A.A.P.
dc.creatorSumbera M.
dc.creatorSun X.
dc.creatorSun X.M.
dc.creatorSun Y.
dc.creatorSun Z.
dc.creatorSurrow B.
dc.creatorSvirida D.N.
dc.creatorSymons T.J.M.
dc.creatorSzanto de Toledo A.
dc.creatorTakahashi J.
dc.creatorTang A.H.
dc.creatorTang Z.
dc.creatorTarnowsky T.
dc.creatorThomas J.H.
dc.creatorTimmins A.R.
dc.creatorTlusty D.
dc.creatorTokarev M.
dc.creatorTrentalange S.
dc.creatorTribble R.E.
dc.creatorTribedy P.
dc.creatorTrzeciak B.A.
dc.creatorTsai O.D.
dc.creatorTurnau J.
dc.creatorUllrich T.
dc.creatorUnderwood D.G.
dc.creatorVan Buren G.
dc.creatorvan Nieuwenhuizen G.
dc.creatorVanfossen J.A.
dc.creatorVarma R.
dc.creatorVasconcelos G.M.S.
dc.creatorVasiliev A.N.
dc.creatorVertesi R.
dc.creatorVidebaek F.
dc.creatorViyogi Y.P.
dc.creatorVokal S.
dc.creatorVossen A.
dc.creatorWada M.
dc.creatorWalker M.
dc.creatorWang F.
dc.creatorWang G.
dc.creatorWang H.
dc.creatorWang J.S.
dc.creatorWang X.L.
dc.creatorWang Y.
dc.creatorWang Y.
dc.creatorWebb G.
dc.creatorWebb J.C.
dc.creatorWestfall G.D.
dc.creatorWieman H.
dc.creatorWimsatt G.
dc.creatorWissink S.W.
dc.creatorWitt R.
dc.creatorWu Y.F.
dc.creatorXiao Z.
dc.creatorXie W.
dc.creatorXin K.
dc.creatorXu H.
dc.creatorXu N.
dc.creatorXu Q.H.
dc.creatorXu Y.
dc.creatorXu Z.
dc.creatorYan W.
dc.creatorYang C.
dc.creatorYang Y.
dc.creatorYang Y.
dc.creatorYe Z.
dc.creatorYepes P.
dc.creatorYi L.
dc.creatorYip K.
dc.creatorYoo I.-K.
dc.creatorZawisza Y.
dc.creatorZbroszczyk H.
dc.creatorZha W.
dc.creatorZhang J.B.
dc.creatorZhang J.L.
dc.creatorZhang S.
dc.creatorZhang X.P.
dc.creatorZhang Y.
dc.creatorZhang Z.P.
dc.creatorZhao F.
dc.creatorZhao J.
dc.creatorZhong C.
dc.creatorZhu X.
dc.creatorZhu Y.H.
dc.creatorZoulkarneeva Y.
dc.creatorZyzak M.
dc.identifierPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle And High-energy Physics. Elsevier, v. 735, n. , p. 127 - 137, 2014.
dc.descriptionWe report measurements of Υ{hooked} meson production in p + p, d + Au, and Au + Au collisions using the STAR detector at RHIC. We compare the Υ{hooked} yield to the measured cross section in p + p collisions in order to quantify any modifications of the yield in cold nuclear matter using d + Au data and in hot nuclear matter using Au + Au data separated into three centrality classes. Our p + p measurement is based on three times the statistics of our previous result. We obtain a nuclear modification factor for Υ{hooked}(1S + 2S + 3S) in the rapidity range |y| < 1 in d + Au collisions of R dAu = 0.79 ± 0.24(stat.) ± 0.03(syst.) ± 0.10(p + psyst.). A comparison with models including shadowing and initial state parton energy loss indicates the presence of additional cold-nuclear matter suppression. Similarly, in the top 10% most-central Au + Au collisions, we measure a nuclear modification factor of R A A = 0.49 ± 0.1(stat.) ± 0.02(syst.) ± 0.06(p + p syst.), which is a larger suppression factor than that seen in cold nuclear matter. Our results are consistent with complete suppression of excited-state Υ{hooked} mesons in Au + Au collisions. The additional suppression in Au + Au is consistent with the level expected in model calculations that include the presence of a hot, deconfined Quark-Gluon Plasma. However, understanding the suppression seen in d + Au is still needed before any definitive statements about the nature of the suppression in Au + Au can be made. © 2014.
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dc.relationPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
dc.titleSuppression Of Υ{hooked} Production In D + Au And Au + Au Collisions At Snn=200gev
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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