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Electrocatalytic Reduction Of Peroxodisulfate In 0.5 M Naoh At Copper Electrodes. A Combined Quartz Microbalance And Rotating Ring/disc Electrode Investigation
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Journal Of Physical Chemistry B. , v. 101, n. 14, p. 2411 - 2414, 1997.
Hartinger S.
Rosenmund J.
Savinova E.
Wasle S.
Doblhofer K.
From an electrochemical investigation by means of an electrochemical quartz microbalance, a rotating disc electrode, and a ring/disc electrode, two mechanisms for the reduction of S2O82- became apparent. Besides the well-known outer-sphere cathodic reduction, a catalytic mechanism of S2O82- reduction operates in a potential range between the surface oxide region (≈-0.5 V/SCE) and -1.0 V/SCE. It involves the chemical oxidation of the copper surface to a soluble Cu(I) species. The catalytic mechanism is concluded to result from the specific interaction between S2O82- and the Cu surface modified by the presence of subsurface oxygen. 101 14 2411 2414 Frumkin, A.N., (1933) Z. Phys. Chem. (Munich), 164, p. 121 Wolf, W., Ye, J., Purgand, M., Eiswirth, M., Doblhofer, K., (1992) Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 96, p. 1797 Flätgen, G., Krischer, K., Ertl, G., (1995) Z. Naturforsch., 50 A, p. 1097 Flätgen, G., Krischer, K., (1995) J. Chem. Phys., 103, p. 5428 Flätgen, G., Krischer, K., Pettinger, B., Doblhofer, K., Junkes, H., Ertl, G., (1995) Science, 269, p. 668 Flätgen, G., Krischer, K., (1995) Phys. Rev. E, 51, p. 3997 Flätgen, G., Krischer, K., Ertl, G., J. Electroanal. Chem., , in press Koper, M.T.M., (1996) Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 100, p. 497 Damaskin, B.B., Safonov, V.A., Fedorovich, N.V., (1993) J. Electroanal. Chem., 349, p. 1 Latimer, W.M., (1952) The Oxidation States of the Elements and Their Potentials in Aqueous Solutions, , Prentice-Hall: New York Levie, M.G., Migliorini, E., Ercolini, G., (1908) Gazz. Chim. Ital., 38, p. 583 Bond, G.C., Hill, G.M., Tennison, R., (1959) J. Chem. Soc., p. 33 Müller, L., (1967) J. Electroanal. Chem., 13, p. 275 Müller, L., Wetzel, R., Otto, H., (1970) J. Electroanal. Chem., 24, p. 175 Mark, H.B., Anson, F.C., (1963) J. Electroanal. Chem., 6, p. 251 Burke, L.D., O'Sullivan, J.F., O'Dwyer, K.J., Scannell, R.A., Ahern, M.J.G., McCarthy, M.M., (1990) J. Electrochem. Soc., 137, p. 2476 Desilvestro, J., Weaver, M.J., (1987) J. Electroanal. Chem., 234, p. 237 Ye, J., Wolf, W., Doblhofer, K., Eiswirth, M., (1994), Unpublished work. Wolf, W. Ph.D. Thesis, Frei Universität Berlin, BerlinHärtinger, S., Pettinger, B., Doblhofer, K., (1995) J. Electroanal. Chem., 397, p. 335 Soares, D.M., (1993) Meas. Sci. Technol., 4, p. 549 Fruböse, C., Doblhofer, K., Soares, D.M., (1993) Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem., 97, p. 475 Sauerbrey, G., (1959) Z. Phys., 155, p. 206 Albery, W.J., Bruckenstein, S., (1966) Trans. Faraday Soc., 62, p. 1920 Ikemiya, N., Kubo, T., Hara, S., (1995) Surf. Sci., 323, p. 81 Strehblow, H.H., Titze, B., (1980) Electrochim. Acta, 25, p. 839 Shirkhanzadeh, M., Thompson, G.E., Ashworth, V., (1990) Corr. Sci., 31, p. 293 Miller, B., (1969) J. Electrochem. Soc., 116, p. 1675 Tindall, G.W., Bruckenstein, S., (1969) J. Electroanal. Chem., 22, p. 367 Schubert, H., Tegetmeyer, U., Schlögl, R., (1994) Cat. Lett., 28, p. 383 Schedl-Niedrig, T., Bao, X., Muhler, M., Neisius, T., Schlögl, R., (1995) Annual Fachbeirat of Fritz-Haber-Institut of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, , Abstract AC12, Berlin Werner, H., Demuth, D., Schubert, H., Weinberg, G., Braun, T., Herein, D., Schlögl, R., (1995) Annual Fachbeirat of Fritz-Haber-Institut of the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, , Abstract AC13, Berlin Polak, M., (1994) Surf. Sci., 321, p. 249 Carley, A.F., Davies, P.R., Roberts, M.W., Vicent, D., (1994) Top. Catal., 1, p. 35 Davies, P.R., Roberts, M.W., Shukla, N., Vicent, D., (1995) Surf. Sci., 325, p. 50