Artículos de revistas
Assessment Of The Threshold Temperature For The Embryonic Development Of The Screwworm Fly [determinação Da Temperatura Base Para O Desenvolvimento Embrionário Da Mosca-da-bicheira]
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Ciencia Rural. , v. 44, n. 2, p. 346 - 351, 2014.
Mastrangelo T.
Bezerra F.
Fernandes T.
After successful eradication campaigns against the screwworm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), through the release of sterile insects, its current geographical distribution comprehends only some Caribbean islands and South American countries, except Chile. Before planning new control programs in MERCOSUR countries, information related to the ecology of this parasite, as its thermal requirements, are necessary. This research aimed to assess the thermal constant (K), the threshold (Tb) and optimal (To) temperatures, as the influence of temperature between 15 and 35°C over the length of the embryonic period of C. hominivorax. Eggs were separated from the masses and inoculated on moistened filter paper in Petri dishes, which were held in acclimatized chambers. Considering the shortest development period and the highest egg hatch values, the optimal temperature was 35°C. 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