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Influence Of Fatty Acid Composition On The Formation Of Polar Glycerides And Polar Fatty Acids In Sunflower Oils Heated At Frying Temperatures
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Grasas Y Aceites. , v. 48, n. 1, p. 17 - 24, 1997.
Jorge N.
Goncalves L.Ap.G.
Dobarganes M.C.
Conventional and high oleic sunflower oils as well as 50% mixture of both of them were heated at different temperatures under well-controlled conditions. Total polar compounds, the main groups of polar glycerides, total polar fatty acids, the mair groups of polar fatty acids and the loss of initial fatty acids were quantitated. The most outstanding results demonstrated the primacy of the formation of glyceridic polymerization compounds during heating at high temperatures. After transesterification of the samples dimeric fatty acids was the most significant group of compounds obtained. As expected, linoleic acid was preferentially involved in the formation of polar fatty acids, although the participation of oleic acid became very important at low concentration of linoleic acid. Finally, good statistical figures were obtained for the regression of polar fatty acids on polar compounds. 48 1 17 24 (1991) Norma UNE 55 037-73, Catálogo de Normas UNE de 1991, , Madrid Arroyo, R., Cuesta, C., Garrido-Polonio, C., López-Varela, S., Sánchez-Muniz, F.J., High-performance size-exclusion chromatographic studies on polar components formed in sunflower oil used for frying (1992) J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc., 69, pp. 557-563 Boskou, D., Stability of frying oils (1988) Frying of Food. Principles, Changes, New Approaches, pp. 174-182. , Ed. by G. Varela, A.E. Bender and I.D. Morton. VCH, Chichester (England) Christopoulou, C.N., Perkins, E.G., Isolation and characterization of dimers formed in used soybean oil (1989) J. Am. Oil Chem Soc., 66, pp. 1360-1370 Cuesta, C., Sánchez-Muniz, F.J., Garrido-Polonio, C., López-Varela, S., Arroyo, R., Thermoxidattve and hydrolytic changes in sunflower oil used in fryings with a fast turnover of fresh oil (1993) J. Am. 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