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Constructions With The Gerund In Kamaiurá [construções Com O Gerúndio Em Kamaiurá]
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Delta Documentacao De Estudos Em Linguistica Teorica E Aplicada. Pontificia Universidade Catolica De Sao Paulo, v. 30, n. SpecialIssue, p. 685 - 702, 2014.
Seki L.
In Kamaiurá and in other Tupi-Guaranian languages there are constructions involving two or more verbs in which the second verb appears in a form traditionally called gerund. The gerund constructions are very productive and diverse with different meaning relations and structures. This paper analyzes the constructions in which a verb in gerund appears connected to another verb at the sentence level, excluding those involving particles and textual factors. A description of the constructions is provided as well as evidence that regardless of having some characteristics in common with serial verbs, they exhibit properties that lead us to into question such interpretation. 30 SpecialIssue 685 702 Aikhenvald, A.Y., Serial verb constructions and verb compounding: evidence from Tariana (North Arawak) (1999) Studies in Language, 23 (3), pp. 479-508 Anchieta Pe, J., (1990) Artes de gramática da língua mais usada na costa do Brasil, , São Paulo: Loyola Barbosa Pe, A.L., (1956) Curso de Tupi Antigo. Gramática, exercícios, textos., , Rio de Janeiro: Livraria São José Durie, M., Grammatical structures in verb serialisation (1997) Complex Predicates, pp. 289-354. , ALSINA, A., BRESNAN, J. e SELLS, P. eds. Stanford: CSLI Foley, W., Olson, M., Clausehood and verb serialization (1985) Grammar inside and outside the clause: some approaches to theory from the field, pp. 17-70. , NICHOLS, J. e WOODBURY, A. eds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Harrison, C.H., Verb prominence, verb initialness, ergativity and typological disharmony in Guajajara (1986) Handbook of Amazonian languages, 1, pp. 407-439. , DERBYSHIRE, D. e PULLUM, G. K. eds. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter Jensen, C., Cross-referencing changes in some Tupi-Guarani languages (1990) Amazonian linguistics. Studies in Lowland South American languages., , PAYNE, D. L. ed. Austin: University of Texas Press Leite, Y.F., (1978) Para uma tipologia ativa do Tapirapé, , Comunicação apresentada no II Encontro Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Letras e Linguística (ANPOLL). Rio de Janeiro Nicholson, V., (1975) Initiating and non-initiating verbs in Asurini, , Brasília: Summer Institute of Linguistics (Arquivo Lingüístico 12) Noonan, M., Complementation (1985) Language Typology and Syntatic Description, 2. , SHOPEN, T. Ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: Complex constructions Rodrigues, A.D., (1953) Morfologia do verbo Tupi, , Letras, Curitiba. No 1, separata Seki, L., Sobre as partículas da língua kamaiurá (1997) Actas de las III Jornadas de Linguística Aborigen, 1, pp. 45-72. , Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires Seki, L., (2000) Gramática do Kamaiurá - Língua Tupi-Guarani do Alto Xingu, , Campinas: Editora da Unicamp, São Paulo: Imprensa Ofi cial Seki, L., (2013) Língua Kamayurá: o desafio de analisar e descrever partículas, , Conferência apresentada no encontro Partículas. Brasília: Universidade de Brasília Seki, L., (2013) Construções locativas em Kamaiurá, , III Encuentro de Lenguas Indígenas Americanas - ELIA. San Carlos de Bariloche, Universidade Nacional de Río Negro Seuren, P., Serial Verb Constructions (1990) When verbs collide: papers from the 1990 Ohio State Miniconference on serial verbs, pp. 14-33. , JOSEPH, B. D. e ZWICKY, A M. eds. Columbus: The Ohio State University Vieira, M.D., (1994) O problema da confi guracionalidade na língua Asurini: uma consequência da projeção dos argumentos do predicado verbal, , Tese de doutorado. Campinas: Unicamp