dc.creatorGranjeiro J.M.
dc.creatorFerreira C.V.
dc.creatorJuca M.B.
dc.creatorTaga E.M.
dc.creatorAoyama H.
dc.identifierBiochemistry And Molecular Biology International. , v. 41, n. 6, p. 1201 - 1208, 1997.
dc.descriptionA low molecular weight bovine kidney acid phosphatase, electrophoretically homogeneous and with a relative molecular mass of 17.8 kDa, was used in this work. Among the various substrates tested, FMN was found to be the most effective, at pH 7.0. Distinct activation energy values were obtained for p-nitrophenyl phosphate- (45.44 kJ mol-1) and flavin mononucleotide- (28.60 kJ mol-1) hydrolysis reactions. The FMN hydrolysis was strongly inhibited by Cu2 and pCMB, but activated by guanosine. Pyridoxal-phosphate and vanadate were competitive inhibitors for the FMN-dependent reaction.
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dc.relationBiochemistry and Molecular Biology International
dc.titleBovine Kidney Low Molecular Weight Acid Phosphatase: Fmn-dependent Kinetics
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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