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The Uruguayan Basic Scientists' Migrations And Their Academic Articulation Around The Pedeciba
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Science, Technology And Society. , v. 2, n. 2, p. 261 - 284, 1997.
Barreiro A.
Velho L.
The so-called 'Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Basicas-PEDECIBA' (Basic Science Development Programme) was launched in Uruguay at the end of the 1980s in order to make possible the rearticulation of the local basic scientists' academic community. The whole system of science and technology was highly affected by thirteen years of military dictatorship. One of the main objectives of the basic science community, during the redemocratisation process, was to create the conditions for the consolidation of a permanent infrastructure for the development of basic sciences, namely, Biology, Chemistry, Information and Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics. One of the basic conditions in order to attain that goal was the repatriation of a great number of the Uruguayan scientists who had left the country during the 1970s. It is important to point out that Uruguayan scientists who lived abroad had expressed a desire to return to their country, and to collaborate with their peers who had remained in Uruguay to develop a collective and self-managed effort. In this paper migration waves observed within the Latin American scientific community and those related to the exodus and return of Uruguayan basic scientists are discussed; exploring the reasons, motives and assumptions underlying the return of scientists. Furthermore, some data are presented to help understand PEDECIBA's significance both in terms of the rearticulation of the knowledge generation system and in the reconstruction of the basic sciences' environment. 2 2 261 284 Barreiro, A., (1996) A Formação De Recursos Humanos Para Pesquisa No Uruguai, a Partir Da Experiência Do PEDECIBA'. M.Sc. Dissertation on Scientific and Technological Policy. State University of, , Campinas (UNICAMP) Cardoza, G., Villegas, R., Scientific Migrations, Cooperation and Development Networks in Latin America and the Caribbean (1996), Paper presented at the Symposium on International Scientific Migrations Today: New Problematic, Mimeo. Santa Fé de Bogota(1989) Informe Sobre Asistidos, , Comision Nacional de Repatriacion, Mimeo, Montevideo (1986) Documents of the Dossier NA/RR/3//86, , Commission Of The European Communities, Brussels Marmora, L., Policies and Programs for Migration of Skilled Human Resources (1996), Paper presented at the Symposium on International Scientific Migrations Today: New Problematic. Mimeo. Santa Fé de BogotaMcLauchan, P., Máximo, T., (1991) Indicadores De Ciencia Y Tecnología Para América Latina Y El Caribe. Grupo De Análisis Para El Desarrollo-GRADE, , Lima Merton, R., (1973) The Sociology of Science, , Chicago: The University of Chicago Press (1993) Science & Engineering Indicators, , National Science Board, Washington, D. C: US Government Printing Office Pedeciba, (1985) Documents of the Proposal URU/84/002/L/01/99 Titled 'progama De Desarrollo De Las Ciencias Básicas, , Ministry of Education and Culture, Montevideo Pedeciba, (1994) Folleto divulgativo, 1987-1993, , Ministry of Education and Culture, Montevideo Pedeciba-Física, (1994) Resumen De Actividades Y Evaluación, 1989-1994, , Ministry of Education and Culture, Montevideo Pedeciba-Química, (1994) Resumen De Actividades Y Evaluación, 1989-1994, , Ministry of Education and Culture, Montevideo Pellegrino, A., (1993) La Emigración De Professionales Y Técnicos Latinoamericanos, , 'Documentos de Trabajo' of the Multidisciplinary Unit, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of the Republic, Montevideo Pellegrino, A., Wanda, C., Emigration of Scientists: The Uruguayan Case (1996), Paper presented at the Symposium on International Scientific Migrations Today: New Problematic. Mimeo. Santa Fé de BogotaUndp-Unesco, (1984) Documents from the Seminar 'evaluación Propuestas Para El Desarrollo Programado De Las Ciencias Básicas, , Montevideo Sagasti, F., Cook, C., (1985) Tiempos Difíciles: Ciencia Y Tecnología En América Latin Durante El Decenio De 1980. Grupo De Análisis Para El Desarrollo-GRADE, , Lima Silveira, R., (1994) Científicos Uruguayos En El Exterior: Presente Y Perspectivas De Uno De Los Problemas Básicos De La Comunidad Científica Nacional, , Mimeo, Montevideo