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Adaptation Of "niagara Rosada" Grape Must To Winemaking By Partial Cluster Dehydration
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Engenharia Agricola. Sociedade Brasileira De Engenharia Agricola, v. 34, n. 1, p. 86 - 92, 2014.
Santiago W.E.
Teruel B.J.
De Oliveira R.A.
Da Silva J.C.T.R.
This study aimed to verify the influence of partial dehydration of "Niagara Rosada" grape clusters in physicochemical quality of the pre-fermentation must. In Brazil, during the winemaking process it is common to need to adjust the grape must when the physicochemical characteristics of the raw material are insufficient to produce wines in accordance with the Brazilian legislation for classification of beverages, which establishes the minimum alcohol content of 8.6 % for the beverage to be considered wine. Therefore, given that the reduction in the water content of grape berries allows the concentration of chemical compounds present in its composition, especially the concentration of total soluble solids, we proceeded with the treatments that were formed by the combination of two temperatures (T1-37.1°C and T2-22.9 °C) two air speeds (S1: 1.79 m s-1 and S2: 3.21 m s-1) and a control (T0) that has not gone through the dehydration treatment. Analysis of pH, Total Titratable Acidity (TTA) were performed in mEq L-1, Total Soluble Solids (TSS) in oBrix, water content on a dry basis and Concentration of Phenolic Compounds (CPC) in mg of gallic acid per 100g of must. The average comparison test identified statistically significant modifications for the adaptation of must for winemaking purposes, having the treatment with 22.9 °C and air speed of 1.79 m s-1 shown the largest increase in the concentration of total soluble solids, followed by the second best result for concentration of phenolic compounds. 34 1 86 92 Araújo, E.G., Piedade, S.M.S., Conceição, M.A.F., Pereira, J.C., Métodos de amostragem e tamanho de amostra para avaliar o estado de maturação da uva Niágara rosada (2009) Revista Brasileira de Biometria. 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