dc.creatorde Siqueira M.A.
dc.creatorvan 't Hooft F.N.C.
dc.creatorde Oliveira J.R.F.
dc.creatorMadeira E.R.M.
dc.creatorRothenberg C.E.
dc.identifierJournal Of Network And Systems Management. Springer New York Llc, v. 23, n. 2, p. 360 - 373, 2015.
dc.descriptionThis paper presents a novel policy-based mechanism to provide context-aware network-wide policies to Software Defined Networking (SDN) applications, implemented with a policy flow based on property graph models. The proposal has been validated in a transport SDN controller, supporting optical network virtualization via slicing of physical resources such as nodes, links and wavelengths, through use case testbed demonstrations of policy enforcement for SDN applications, including optical equalization and virtual optical network control. Additionally, the policy engine incorporates a simulation-assisted pre-setting mechanism for local policy decisions in case of problems in communication with the controller.
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dc.publisherSpringer New York LLC
dc.relationJournal of Network and Systems Management
dc.titleProviding Optical Network As A Service With Policy-based Transport Sdn
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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