dc.creatorMonteiro M.K.
dc.creatorAltmann H.
dc.identifierCadernos De Pesquisa. Fundacao Carlos Chagas, v. 44, n. 153, p. 720 - 741, 2014.
dc.descriptionThe teaching of children is a profession occupied predominantly by women in Brazil and in other countries. In this article, we analyze the initial stage of the professional career of men who have chosen to teach in early childhood education, in a public school with only seven men in that position. The methodology used was inspired by their life stories, and interviews were conducted with all the men working at the time of data collection. The career paths were analyzed from the perspective of gender studies, observing that entering and remaining in the profession were marked by difficulties characteristic of the field and by questions and attempts at segregation arising from hegemonic notions of masculinity.
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dc.publisherFundacao Carlos Chagas
dc.relationCadernos de Pesquisa
dc.titleMen In Early Childhood Education: Suspicious Glances And Segregation Attempts [homens Na Educação Infantil: Olhares De Suspeita E Tentativas De Segregação] [hombres En La Educación Infantil: Miradas De Sospecha E Intentos De Segregación]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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