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Chromosomal Evolution Of South American Frugivorous Butterflies In The Satyroid Clade (nymphalidae: Charaxinae, Morphinae And Satyrinae)
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Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society. , v. 92, n. 3, p. 467 - 481, 2007.
Brown Jr. K.S.
Freitas A.V.L.
Von Schoultz B.
Saura A.O.
Saura A.
We describe the chromosome numbers of a monophyletic group of Satyroid subfamilies of primary fruit-attracted butterflies from South America: Charaxinae, Morphinae (including Brassolini) and Satyrinae. The charaxines do not have a distinct modal number. Their chromosome numbers are in the range n = 6-50, with n = 7-9, n = 12, n = 16, n = 19-21, n = 26, and n = 28-31 being the most common numbers. Within the Morphinae, the Morphini have a modal n = 28 and the Brassolini a modal n = 29, with few exceptions. The Neotropical satyrines, in particular the basal species, have a weak modal n = 29, which is a strong modal number in Palearctic satyrines. The African satyrines have an equally strong modal n = 28. Most Neotropical satyrines have, like charaxines, chromosome numbers lower than the weak modal n = 29, and often half this modal, but there are genera with stable numbers among the satyrines and charaxines. Evidently, the Neotropical satyroids descend from basal Nymphalidae with the typical lepidopteran modal number of n = 31, which have also given rise to the Heliconiini with modal n = 31 and 21 and Ithomiinae with modal numbers of n = 14-15. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London. 92 3 467 481 Ae, S.A., Ecological and evolutionary aspects of hybridisation in some Papilio Butterflies (1995) Swallowtail Butterflies/their Ecology and Evolution., pp. 229-236. , In: Scriber, J.M., Tsubaki, Y. Lederhouse, R.C., eds. Gainesville, FL: Scientific Publishers Bauer, H., Die kinetische Organisation der Lepidopteren-Chromosomen (1967) Chromosoma, 22, pp. 101-125 Beliajeff, N.K., Die Chromosomenkomplexe und ihre Beziehung zur Phylogenie bei den Lepidopteren (1930) Zeitschrift für Induktiven Abstammungs- Und Vererbungslehre, 54, pp. 369-399 Brown, K.S., Emmel, T.C., Eliazar, P.J., Suomalainen, E., Evolutionary patterns in chromosome numbers in neotropical Lepidoptera I. 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