Actas de congresos
The Image Forest Transform Architecture
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1424414725; 9781424414727
Icfpt 2007 - International Conference On Field Programmable Technology. , v. , n. , p. 137 - 144, 2007.
Cappabianco F.A.M.
Araujo G.
Falcao A.X.
The Image Foresting Transform (IFT) is e a generic technique that uses simple variations ofthe same core algorithm to construct many image processing operators like watershed transforms, edge tracking, geodesic paths, among others. In this paper we propose the Silicon IFT (SIFT), an FPGA-based architecture that leverages on the IFTflexibility to build a fast image processing architecture capable of implementing IFT operators in hardware. Our experiments have shown that SIFT can reach speedups of5600 upon the correspondent software implementation. Moreover; they exhibit excellent execution times as compared to recent dedicated image processing architectures. © 2007 IEEE.
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