dc.creatorPiatto V.B.
dc.creatorNascimento E.C.T.
dc.creatorAlexandrino F.
dc.creatorOliveira C.A.
dc.creatorLopes A.C.P.
dc.creatorSartorato E.L.
dc.creatorManiglia J.V.
dc.identifierRevista Brasileira De Otorrinolaringologia. , v. 71, n. 2, p. 216 - 223, 2005.
dc.descriptionOne in every 1.000 newborn suffers from congenital hearing impairment. More than 60% of the congenital cases are caused by genetic factors. In most cases, hearing loss is a multifactorial disorder caused by both genetic and environmental factors. Molecular genetics of deafness has experienced remarkable progress in the last decade. Genes responsible for hereditary hearing impairment are being mapped and cloned progressively. This review focuses on nonsyndromic hearing loss, since the gene involved in this type of hearing loss have only recently begun to be identified.
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dc.descriptionWalsh, T., Walsh, V., Vreugde, S., Dertzano, R., Shahin, H., Haika, From flies' eyes to our ears: Mutations in a human class III myosin cause progressive nonsyndromic hearing loss DFNB30 (2002) Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 99, pp. 7518-7523
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dc.descriptionMburu, P., Mustapha, M., Varela, A., Weil, D., El-Amraoui, A., Holme, R.H., Defects in whirlin, a PDZ domain molecule involved in stereocilia elongation, cause deafness in the whirler mouse and families with DFNB31 (2003) Nat Genet, 34, pp. 421-428
dc.descriptionBork, J.M., Morell, R.J., Khan, S., Riazuddin, S., Wilcox, E.R., Friedman, T.B., Griffith, A.J., Clinical presentation of DFNB12 and Usher syndrome type ID (2002) Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 61, pp. 145-152
dc.descriptionLeon, P.E., Lalwani, A.K., Auditory phenotype of DFNA1 (2002) Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 61, pp. 34-40
dc.descriptionDe Leenheer, E.M., Ensink, R.J., Kunst, H.P., Marres, H.A., Talebizadeh, Z., Declau, F., DFNA2/KCNQ4 and its manifestations (2002) Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 61, pp. 41-46
dc.descriptionDenoyelle, F., Petit, C., DFNB9 (2002) Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 61, pp. 142-144
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dc.descriptionAhmed, Z.M., Riazuddin, S., Friedman, T.B., Riazuddin, S., Wilcox, E.R., Griffith, A.J., Clinical manifestations of DFNB29 deafness (2002) Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 61, pp. 156-160
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dc.descriptionDenoyelle, F., Mustapha, M., Petit, C., DFNB21 (2002) Adv Otorhinolaryngol, 61, pp. 153-155
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dc.relationRevista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia
dc.titleMolecular Genetics Of Non-syndromic Deafness [genética Molecular Da Deficiência Auditiva Não-sindrômica]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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