dc.creatorPires L.A.
dc.creatorCardoso V.J.M.
dc.creatorJoly C.A.
dc.creatorRodrigues R.R.
dc.identifierActa Botanica Brasilica. , v. 23, n. 1, p. 57 - 66, 2009.
dc.descriptionThe main purpose of this work was to study the germination of Ternstroemia brasiliensis seeds both in laboratory and field conditions in order to contribute to understanding the regeneration ecology of the species. The seeds were dispersed with relatively high moisture content and exhibit a recalcitrant storage behaviour because of their sensitivity to dehydration and to dry storage. The germinability is relatively high and is not affected either by light or aril presence. The absence of the dormancy and the low sensitivity to far red light can enable to seeds to promptly germinate under Restinga forest canopy, not forming a soil seed bank. The constant temperatures of 25 °C and 30 °C were considered optimum for germination of T. brasiliensis seeds. Temperature germination parameters can be affected by light conditions. The thermal-time model can be a suitable tool for investigating the temperature dependence on the seed germination of T. brasiliensis. The germination characteristics de T. brasiliensis are typical of non pioneer species, and help to explain the distribution of the species. Germination of T. brasiliensis seeds in Restinga environment may be not limited by light and temperature; otherwise the soil moisture content can affect the seed germination.
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dc.titleGermination Of Ternstroemia Brasiliensis Cambess. (pentaphylacaceae) From A Restinga Forest [germinação De Ternstroemia Brasiliensis Cambess. (pentaphylacaceae) De Floresta De Restinga]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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