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Shared And Community Management Of Fisheries In Brazil: Progress And Challenges [gestão Compartilhada Ecomunitária Da Pesca No Brasil: Avanços E Desafios]
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Ambiente E Sociedade. , v. 12, n. 1, p. 151 - 172, 2009.
Kalikoski D.C.
Seixas C.S.
Almudi T.
This work focuses on the opportunities and challenges in the implementation of fisheries co-management arrangements in Brazil. The methodology of this study was based on the analysis and revision of 116 bibliographical references regarding this type of arrangements. The paper shows the key factors that have been influencing the creation and maintenance of fisheries co-management as well as the ones that represent the biggest challenges to the advancement of fisheries co-management in Brazil. 12 1 151 172 Almudi, T., Adequação do modelo de unidade de conservação: populações humanas, convivências e conflitos nos arredores da Lagoa do Peixe (RS) (2005) Anais, p. 188. , Rio Grande Monografia (Graduação em Oceanologia) - Fundação Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG. 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