dc.creatorSantana R.C.
dc.creatorPerrechil F.A.
dc.creatorCunha R.L.
dc.identifierFood Engineering Reviews. , v. 5, n. 2, p. 107 - 122, 2013.
dc.descriptionHigh-energy emulsification is traditionally used to produce food-grade emulsions. However, energy input, design of the device and the type of surfactant should be carefully evaluated to achieve the desired emulsion properties. The low-energy processes, as spontaneous emulsification and phase inversion temperature, are alternative methods for producing systems with high stability and smaller particle sizes. Nevertheless, the surfactants and cosurfactants frequently used to produce emulsions from the low-energy process are not food grade or require a higher concentration than is allowed in food products. In this review, the characteristics of emulsions produced from low- and high-energy emulsifications, the mechanisms of droplet formation and their stability are reviewed with a particular focus on recent studies addressing the effects of process parameters on the properties of food emulsions. Knowing the principles and limitations of high- and low-energy processes, adequate process conditions and future trends are suggested depending on the system composition and the desired properties of the final product. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York.
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dc.relationFood Engineering Reviews
dc.titleHigh- And Low-energy Emulsifications For Food Applications: A Focus On Process Parameters
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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