dc.creatorBoas A.P.D.V.
dc.creatorMarson F.A.L.
dc.creatorRibeiro M.A.G.O.
dc.creatorSakano E.
dc.creatorConti P.B.M.
dc.creatorToro A.D.C.
dc.creatorRibeiro J.D.
dc.identifierBrazilian Journal Of Otorhinolaryngology. , v. 79, n. 2, p. 212 - 218, 2013.
dc.descriptionIn recent decades, many studies on mouth breathing (MB) have been published; however, little is known about many aspects of this syndrome, including severity, impact on physical and academic performances. Objective: Compare the physical performance in a six minutes walk test (6MWT) and the academic performance of MB and nasal-breathing (NB) children and adolescents. Method: This is a descriptive, cross-sectional, and prospective study with MB and NB children submitted to the 6MWT and scholar performance assessment. Results: We included 156 children, 87 girls (60 NB and 27 MB) and 69 boys (44 NB and 25 MB). Variables were analyzed during the 6MWT: heart rate (HR), respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, distance walked in six minutes and modified Borg scale. All the variables studied were statistically different between groups NB and MB, with the exception of school performance and HR in 6MWT. Conclusion: MB affects physical performance and not the academic performance, we noticed a changed pattern in the 6MWT in the MB group. Since the MBs in our study were classified as non-severe, other studies comparing the academic performance variables and 6MWT are needed to better understand the process of physical and academic performances in MB children.
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dc.relationBrazilian Journal of Otorhinolaryngology
dc.titleWalk Test And School Performance In Mouth-breathing Children
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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