dc.creatorMeirelles J.
dc.creatorGoldenberg R.
dc.identifierPhytotaxa. Magnolia Press, v. 173, n. 4, p. 278 - 284, 2014.
dc.descriptionA new species of Miconia sect. Miconia subsection Seriatiflorae. was collected in Igapó Forest from the Purus-Madeira interfluve, in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. This new species, Miconia suberosa, can be distinguished from other species in the subsection by a variety of morphological features, namely: (i) treelet habit; (ii) deeply fissured bark with a thick cork; (iii) long dendritic hairs with short arms on young branches, inflorescences and leaves; (iv) petiolated leaves with rounded to obtuse bases, and ciliate margins, congested at the branch apices; and, (v) truncated stigmas. © 2014 Magnolia Press.
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dc.publisherMagnolia Press
dc.titleA New Species Of Miconia (miconieae, Melastomataceae) From The Brazilian Amazon
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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