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Climate Change Action At The City Level: Tales From Two Megacities In Brazil
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Management Of Environmental Quality. , v. 22, n. 3, p. 344 - 357, 2011.
Martins R.D.
Ferreira L.d.C.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to analyze the factors shaping climate policies in two megacities in Brazil - São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro - through a multilevel perspective. The paper seeks to explore how climate change is being framed and how local governments are responding to it in terms of policy strategies. Design/methodology/approach: Through empirical research based on two case studies, the authors discuss the governing of climate change action and analyze the factors that can constrain or undermine these actions based on information collected from reports, institutional web sites and academic and newspaper articles. Findings: The participation in transnational municipal networks has been central for promoting and supporting climate change actions in both cities following the international experience. The organization and implementation of climate change measures rely on a landscape formed by multiple actors often spanning several sectors and levels of governance. Originality/value: Most of the literature on climate change policy at the local level focuses on the context of developed countries. Analyses of advanced developing countries like Brazil are sparse as well as comparison in light of the international experience. 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