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Effect Of Ultrasound And Dexpanthenol On Collagen Organization In Tegumentary Lesions [efeito Do Ultrassom E Do Dexapantenol Na Organização Das Fi Bras Colágenas Em Lesão Tegumentar]
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Revista Brasileira De Fisioterapia. , v. 15, n. 3, p. 227 - 232, 2011.
Guimaraes G.N.
Pires-De-Campos M.S.M.
Leonardi G.R.
Dib-Giusti H.H.K.
Polacow M.L.O.
Objective: To analyze the effect of ultrasound (US), dexpanthenol (d-P) and a combination of these treatments (US+d-P) on collagen fiber organization in tegumentary lesions in rats by birefringence analysis. Methods: Wistar rats (50) were anesthetized (Thionembutal - Sodic = 50mg/Kg), 1cm 2 of dorsal region skin was removed, and the animals were divided into five groups: control (C), gel (G), US (3 MHz, 0.1 W/cm2, 1 minute, continuous), d-P (10%) and US+d-P. After daily treatment for 7 and 14 days, 6μm thick sections of lesioned areas were stained in picrosirius and measurements of the collagen birefringent area (μm 2) were obtained using polarized light microscopy (Zeiss Axiolab-ZEISS- Germany) with histological image analysis software (KS 400 2.0 - Kontrol Eletronics, Munique, Germany). The means were compared by ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (p<0.05). Results: The US+d-P group showed a significantly greater (p≥0.001) birefringent area (1586.43±162.14) than the other experimental groups: C (139.36±35.35), US (317.55±129.9) and d-P (192.41±3657) by the 7th day of treatment, indicating acceleration of the wound healing process. By the 14th day of treatment, the US+d-P, US and d-P groups presented greater birefringence than the control group, but did not differ from each other. Conclusion: The combination of treatments (US+d-P) accelerated collagen fiber synthesis and organization in the early stages of cutaneous repair. © Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia. 15 3 227 232 Veit, G., Kobbe, B., Keene, D.R., Paulsson, M., Koch, M., Wagener, R., Collagen XXVIII, a novel von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein with many imperfections in the collagenous domain (2006) J Biol Chem, 281 (6), pp. 3494-3504 de Campos Vidal, B., de Carvalho, H.F., Aggregational state in the molecular order of tendons as a function of age (1990) Matrix, 10 (1), pp. 48-57 Vidal, B.C., Form birefringence as applied to biopolymer and inorganic material supraorganization (2010) Biotech Histochem, 85 (6), pp. 365-378 da Cunha, A., Parizotto, N.A., Vidal B. de, C., The effect of therapeutic ultrasound on repair of the achiles tendon (tendo calcaneus) of the rat (2001) Ultrasound Med Biol, 27 (12), pp. 1691-1696 de Campos Vidal, B., Image analysis of tendon helical superstructure using 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