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In-packet Bloom Filters: Design And Networking Applications
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Computer Networks. , v. 55, n. 6, p. 1364 - 1378, 2011.
Rothenberg C.E.
MacApuna C.A.B.
Magalhaes M.F.
Verdi F.L.
Wiesmaier A.
The Bloom filter (BF) is a well-known randomized data structure that answers set membership queries with some probability of false positives. In an attempt to solve many of the limitations of current network architectures, some recent proposals rely on including small BFs in packet headers for routing, security, accountability or other purposes that move application states into the packets themselves. In this paper, we consider the design of such in-packet Bloom filters (iBF). Our main contributions are exploring the design space and the evaluation of a series of extensions (1) to increase the practicality and performance of iBFs, (2) to enable false-negative-free element deletion, and (3) to provide security enhancements. In addition to the theoretical estimates, extensive simulations of the multiple design parameters and implementation alternatives validate the usefulness of the extensions, providing for enhanced and novel iBF networking applications. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. 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