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Collagen Type I Amide I Band Infrared Spectroscopy
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Micron. , v. 42, n. 3, p. 283 - 289, 2011.
De Campos Vidal B.
Mello M.L.S.
Collagen fiber structure and organization have been found to vary in different tendon types. Differences have been reported in the FT-IR spectra of the amide I band of collagen-containing structures. In the present study, the FT-IR spectral characteristics of the amide I band of the bovine flexor tendon and the extended rat tail tendon were compared by using the diamond attenuated total reflectance technique. The objective was to associate FT-IR spectral characteristics in tendons with their different collagen fiber supraorganization and biomechanical properties. Nylon 6 and poly-l-lysine were used as polyamide models. Each of these materials was found to exhibit molecular order and crystallinity, as revealed by their birefringence. The following FT-IR parameters were evaluated: amide I band profile, absorption peaks and areas, and the 1655cm -1/1690cm -1 absorbance ratio. The amide I area and the 1655cm -1/1690cm -1 absorbance ratio were significantly higher for the bovine flexor tendon, indicating that its collagen fibers are richer in pyridinoline-type cross-linking, proline and/or hydroxyproline and H-bonding, and that these fibers are more packed and supraorganizationally ordered than those in the rat tail tendon. This conclusion is additionally supported by differences in collagen solubility and biochemical/biomechanical properties of the tendons. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. 42 3 283 289 Aparicio, S., Doty, S.B., Camacho, N.P., Pachalis, E.P., Spevak, L., Mendelsohn, R., Boskei, A.L., Optimal methods for processing mineralized tissues for Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy (2002) Calcif. Tissue Int., 70, pp. 422-429 Benjamin, M., Kaiser, E., Milz, S., Structure-function relationships: a review (2008) J. 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