dc.creatorClerici M.T.P.S.
dc.creatorKallmann C.
dc.creatorGaspi F.O.G.
dc.creatorMorgano M.A.
dc.creatorMartinez-Bustos F.
dc.creatorChang Y.K.
dc.identifierFood Research International. , v. 44, n. 7, p. 2143 - 2150, 2011.
dc.descriptionFruit of wolf (Solanum lycocarpum A. St. - HILL), found in Brazilian cerrado, has been used in the initial ripening stage as flour and/or starch in popular medicine due to its hypoglycemiant action. The aim of this work was to study the occurrence of phytochemical compounds, physical, chemical and technological characteristics of fruit of wolf flour and starch in the initial ripening stage. Flour and starch were extracted using known popularly and experimental methods (with sodium bisulfite) and chemical composition and technological characteristics were analyzed. The results were comparatively assessed by Tukey's test (p < 0.05). The recommendation for use was the extraction of flour and starch products by previously removing peels and seeds of fruit of wolf. The most relevant finding in this study is the high content of fibers in flour (23. g/100. g) and high content of resistant starch (32. g/100. g) in the fraction of starch extracted from fruit of wolf, which can explain their use as hypoglycemic agent. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.
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dc.titlePhysical, Chemical And Technological Characteristics Of Solanum Lycocarpum A. St. - Hill (solanaceae) Fruit Flour And Starch
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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