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Spia's Multi-party Negotiation Protocol: Implementation Using Yawl
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International Journal Of Cooperative Information Systems. , v. 20, n. 3, p. 221 - 259, 2011.
Baccarin E.
Madeira E.R.M.
Medeiros C.B.
Van Der Aalst W.M.P.
A supply chain comprises several different kinds of actors that interact either in an ad hoc fashion (e.g. an eventual deal) or in a previously well-planned way. In the latter, how the interactions develop is described in contracts that are agreed on before the interactions start. This agreement may involve several partners, thus a multi-party contract is better suited than a set of bi-lateral contracts. If one is willing to negotiate automatically such kind of contracts, an appropriate negotiation protocol should be at hand. However, the ones for bi-lateral contracts are not suitable for multi-party contracts, e.g. the way to achieve consensus when only two negotiators are haggling over some issues is quite different if there are several negotiators involved. In the first case, a simple bargain would suffice, but in the latter a ballot process is needed. This paper briefly presents our negotiation protocol for electronic multi-party contracts which seamlessly combines several negotiation styles. It also elaborates on the main negotiation patterns the protocol allows for: bargain (for peer-to-peer negotiation), auction (when there is competition among the negotiators) and ballot (when the negotiation aims at consensus) and presents other patterns that can be built on these basic ones. Finally, it describes an implementation of this protocol based on Web services, and built on the YAWL Workflow Management System. © 2011 World Scientific Publishing Company. 20 3 221 259 Min, H., Zhou, G., Supply chain modeling: Past, present and future (2002) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 43 (1-2), pp. 231-249. , DOI 10.1016/S0360-8352(02)00066-9, PII S0360835202000669 Bacarin, E., Madeira, E.R.M., Medeiros, C.B., Contract e-negotiation in agricultural supply chains (2008) Int. 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