dc.creatorde Barros N.F.
dc.creatorSpadacio C.
dc.identifierSaude E Sociedade. , v. 20, n. 1, p. 50 - 56, 2011.
dc.descriptionThe goal of this paper is to present a synthesis of the debate of II Encontro Paulista de Ciências Sociais e Humanas em Saúde (II São Paulo's Meeting of Social and Human Sciences in Health), based on the presentation "The postgraduate student's education in the contemporary world in the daily routine of research", organized by the concepts of praxis, field and epistemological ruptures, and developed through principles of the Social Sciences. It is known that: the contemporary world invites us to pass from an information society to a knowledge society; the Social and Human Sciences in Health (SHSH) are part of the Public Health knowledge, institutionalized in the interface between the Social and Human Sciences and the Health Sciences; the project of the SHSH does not reach "all peoples at all times", although its dialogue promotes a potential way for the construction of universalizing meanings; there is a third generation of social scientists in the field of health in Brazil; SHSH is part of a field that "consumes" sciences to manage Brazil's National Health System; our efforts and opinions, though they are driven by the fact that we do not know the outcome, enable us to maximize the human nature and spirit towards a better life. Thus, it is concluded that it is essential to produce, with postgraduate students, information, feelings, processes, actions and meanings, which explain fluid, flexible and reflexible narratives on how people interpret their social worlds.
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dc.relationSaude e Sociedade
dc.titleThe Postgraduate Student's Education In The Contemporary World In The Daily Routine Of Research [a Formação Do Pós-graduando No Mundo Contemporâneo No Cotidiano Da Pesquisa]
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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